Sunday, November 20, 2011

Write That Song Now

I was sitting at the piano this morning just enjoying every moment of the crispness of the new day and I thought it would be great to write down on paper what is not yet put into song for your musical ears: Many folks have a beautiful song in their hearts that hasn't been listened to by anyone but themselves. That song needs to be written down and played for people to hear and it needs to be expressed while they're living. The problem is that so many never finish that song and it truly is their own. When you finally get to finishing it you're complete. We should Never be afraid to be who we are no matter what others think. Bring all the beauty of the world into song so the legacy that you leave behind will have value to the younger generation of creative artists and the music can continue to be heard in the most joyful way and remain Jazz, the American Music and wonderful ART-FORM/CANVASS that it is, to PAINT with such powerful colors. LOVE ALWAYS and ALWAYS LOVE, HABIB

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